What’s The Difference Between Full Spectrum CBD Oils and Crystal Isolate?
For those of you new to the world of CBD, or those of you looking to dig a little deeper into this miracle extract, let’s take a look at the difference between the two.
Full Spectrum Oils
In the simplest terms, full-spectrum oils include all of the other cannabinoids or other properties of value found in the hemp plant. In other words, when CBD is extracted, in this case from the hemp plant (remember Pure Hemp CBD uses all-natural industrial hemp CBD) all of the other compounds present in the plant remain.
So what else is there, exactly? When it comes to CBD from the hemp plant, this can include a long list natural cannabinoids, as well as terpenes.
Full-spectrum oils give what is known as the “entourage effect,” in which you have all of the hemp plants compounds working in tandem to provide you with a full-body effect.
Crystal Isolate
Crystal isolate is CBD in its purest form, separated from any and all other cannabinoids and compounds. It’s naturally pure, Isolated CBD.
It usually takes the form of a crystalline powder which contains nothing else of value besides CBD.
Which Is More Effective
For a while, the debate raged on about which was more effective, full spectrum oils or crystal isolate. Many believed that pure CBD in isolate form was the more effective of the two solely based on the fact that it was purer.
However, the Lautenberg Center for General Tumor Immunology in Jerusalem performed a study in 2015 that finally put the debate to rest. It turns out that full-spectrum oil comes out on top. The study showed that mice who took full-spectrum oils found greater relief than those who received isolate with an equal amount of CBD
There’s always a but. Just because studies show that full-spectrum oils are more effective, that doesn't necessarily mean they are the right product for you. We always recommend you test out a variety of our CBD products to see how they affect you and your body, to determine which one is best for your needs.
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