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In the Kitchen: CBD Cooking
Liven up your CBD consumption with our range of CBD cooking products. Far from just the classic brownies of old, CBD edibles can be consumed in a variety of different flavors and textures.

At Pure Hemp Shop, we want to make sure that our customers are not only getting the medicine they need but thriving in their daily life. The CBD cooking products we offer should help add a little spice to your CBD life. If you need further inspiration, there are a range of wonderful CBD cooking channels across the Internet.

CBD Honey
A standalone product, and fun to add to your morning tea, CBD honey is a blast of sweet energy and healing CBD. Whether you are looking for a calming salve for your anxiety or need to counter a physical ailment, CBD honey might be a perfect fit for your day.

CBD Oils
Pure Hemp Shop offers standard CBD vegetable and olive oils so that our customers have a CBD base on hand for any meal they want to cook.

Looking to cook up something with a little kick? We also offer a fantastic CBD chili oil.

Balsamic Vinaigrette
Not everybody eats a hot meal three times a day. We decided to put together this CBD balsamic vinaigrette so that our CBD customers who enjoy salads and sandwiches could still get their CBD in at the lunch hour or evening meal.

CBD balsamic vinaigrette is a quick addition to any meal. You can either mix up your salad before the workday or take the bottle to work to add dressing at the last minute. If you work somewhere that isn’t exactly supportive of CBD, you may wish to re-package the vinaigrette in a smaller, unlabelled bottle.

Efficient and Effective CBD Consumption
No matter whether you use honey, an oil, or a vinaigrette, cooking with CBD is a really fun, efficient, and effective way to consume CBD. Each of the products mentioned above can be consumed as a standalone experience (possibly with the exception of vegetable oil… not highly recommended), but they also make great foundations or additions to other foods and beverages.

If you are looking for a new way to try CBD, as opposed to the old method of smoking, or even the typical brownie, Pure Hemp Shop’s CBD cooking products are the perfect entry point.

Custom CBD Edibles Made Easy
Many excellent amateur chefs want to try their hand at CBD cooking, but they aren’t ready to master the science of efficiently infusing oils and butters with their own flower. Pure Hemp Shop saw the conundrum this placed our valued customers in: you don’t want to waste money experimenting with infusing, but you’re also getting bored with the same commercially available edibles.

We decided to do the hard part for you. With our CBD cooking products, you have honey, oils, and a vinaigrette all already infused with CBD.

Simply cook as you usually would at home… except now, everything comes packed with CBD!