Why Is Third-Party Tested CBD The Safest?
Don’t Get Scammed with Cheap CBD filled with toxins.
Within just the last few months cannabidiol (CBD) has skyrocketed in popularity. It’s everywhere you go: the dispensary, the vape shop, the gas station, and even your doctor’s office. This liquid gold is changing lives all over the world. With popularity always comes cheap imitations, there are now hundreds of different CBD brands, but unfortunately, a large majority of those products contain cheap toxic fillers (more about those later).
A recent Consumer Reports survey of 1,003 Americans revealed 13 percent of Americans have used CBD to relieve symptoms of a health issue, and nearly 90 percent of those said it helped.
CBD market is expected to top at least $2.15 billion by 2021, up from $292 million in 2016, according to the Brightfield Group, a market research firm that specializes in cannabis.
But this most recent study is just one of several to raise concerns about the safety and purity of the CBD products now available.
How Does CBD Work in the Body?
The human endocannabinoid system (EC) was discovered in the 1970s, but our nation’s War on Drugs stopped progress in terms of research. The EC system utilizes your CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout your body to help regulate everything from mood to pain, appetite, liver, and muscular functions.
Your brain speaks with your body through a series of neurotransmitters or chemical coded messages. These messages are managers who regulate your thoughts, feelings, and even what you eat.
CBD helps slow how quickly your receptors shoot off chemical messages throughout the body by reversing the process. This regulates the number of messages being sent because sometimes way too many messages are coming in and going out. When these receptors become overwhelmed it leaves a lot of room for major error in your body.
Many people don’t realize CBD helps you increase anandamide. Anandamide regulates levels of other chemicals within your brain, including serotonin and dopamine. The best part is CBD accomplishes all of this without abusing the system like many addictive substances. CBD is NOT addictive, in fact, research has been conducted showing it’s helping addicts stay sober for a longer period.
3 Questions to Avoid Impotent CBD
You work hard for your money so wasting it on CBD that does nothing is not an option. As experts in our field with over a half century of cannabis knowledge housed under one roof, here’s how you can guarantee you have a potent CBD product.
You can tell a lot about a brand’s integrity with just three things.
Is the brand making a bunch of outrageous claims?
Fly-by-night shady online retailers are popping up everywhere (especially on Amazon and eBay) with cheap oil sourced from who-knows-where claiming their CBD is the cure-all that will have the blind seeing and the deathly ill brought back to life. Do NOT trust these guys. They only want your money and will be shut down before you find out that overpriced oil does not work wonders. Brand’s with integrity follow the FDA and CDC in terms of knowing CBD simply does not have enough research to properly make ANY major claims. All we can do as brands are show you the facts and research that does exist and allow you to make a more educated choice for your health. A great CBD does not make claims. If you see this, run.
Does that brand know where the CBD was grown?
An honest CBD brand cares about both their customers and their products so they will be able to tell you where and a general when your cannabis was grown. Someone just drop shipping from China doesn’t care about your health or the quality of the products they sell. Those oils could be sitting on a shelf for years before it gets to you. Read the company’s About Page and make sure they know what they are doing AND what they are selling.
Is it tested by a reputable third-party lab?
Any brand worth their salt in the CBD industry has third-party testing on their website somewhere. Pure Hemp CBD puts the testings right on our product pages of every single product so you know exactly what you’re buying. We’re proud of our potencies and purities. A lab report should look similar to this.
How to Read Your CBD Lab Report:
- Make sure the product is pictured, this helps to assure the brand isn’t bait and switching the lab results from another product.
- Check the legitimacy of the lab. Pure Hemp CBD uses Cannalysis one of the top state licensed third-party cannabis testing facilities within the United States.
- Look at the THC (the psychoactive cannabinoid) is below .03%
- Verify the MG of CBD is at least what the brand claims (Pure Hemp’s products have all tested higher than we brand our products so this is a great sign of a quality product.)
- Double-check the date is less than a year old and the signature is of a PhD carrying lab tech.
- Finally, verify the list of added chemicals. Below we’ve listed the biggest offenders.
WARNING: Added Chemicals to Avoid at ALL Costs.
If a CBD brand is claiming 100% all natural organic products check for these nasty little fillers.
- Dextromethorphan, or DMX. This is an addictive ingredient in common drug store cough medicines. Dr. Ryan Vandrey, from Johns Hopkins University, says when DMX is taken in higher doses it can cause an abnormal heartbeat and sedation, as well as hallucinations and a sense of euphoria. This effects the pleasure centers of the brand which has the possibility to change the brain’s chemistry in the manner highly addictive substances like alcohol or heroin.
- 5F-ADB. 5F-ADB was developed by off-the-grid chemists. It mimics the effects of THC, the main psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana. This is dangerous because no known research is available for the possible side effects including addiction. 5F-ADB has been classified as a Schedule I drug by the DEA. So it’s illegal, potentially addictive, and has no current accepted medical value.
- Pesticides. Since cannabis is a plant that pulls all of its nutrients from the sole it grows in you have to be very vigilant of brand’s using any untested, unsafe chemicals such as formaldehyde which has been shown to cause cancers and leukemia when inhaled into the lungs.
- Fake sugars and unnatural flavoring. A lot of edibles and flavored CBD products are made with nasty syrups that are grown using the pesticides mentioned above. This combination of synthetic sugar is not good for your body.
Dr. Vandrey says, “Contaminants in CBD products is a real issue, and largely stems from the lack of regulation.” So while you’re choosing CBD products and testing different brands please be a safe, educated consumer.
If you’re looking for a third-party tested CBD brand that’s fully legal everywhere within the U.S. look no further than our Pure Hemp CBD products. We wrote the book on quality tasty CBD.
- https://purehempshop.com/pages/what-is-cbd
- https://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/fed_regs/rules/2016/fr1221.htm
- https://www.consumerreports.org/marijuana/dangerous-chemicals-found-in-popular-cbd-products-diamond-cbd-5f-adb/
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