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CBD Edibles

Looking Ahead: The CBD Edibles That Are Taking Over

The CBD world is a rapidly changing landscape with CBD becoming more and more popular every day. Even The Vitamin Shoppe is now stocking its shelves with CBD softgels and drops in some states. CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid all recently said they would follow suit.1

CBD Edibles appear to be the big emerging trend poised to take over the CBD world.

Even in the cannabis industry at large - which includes THC cannabis - many analysts predict edible products will become the most popular segment in the industry due to convenience, eventually taking over 75% of the whole cannabis industry.2

After all, you don’t have to vape or smoke edible cannabis products, which gives them a much wider appeal.2

In the CBD-only industry, edibles are expected to grow by 410% by 2022.3 As edibles become known to be just as pure as a tincture and almost as effective, they may even take the #1 spot from CBD tincture.

It’s an exciting time for CBD edibles, but with everything from CBD-infused honey to bubble gum, it can be hard to figure out which ones are the highest quality and offer the best experience.

So we thought we’d make it easy for you. Here are the CBD edibles to keep your eyes on in 2019.


CBD Gummies Are Evolving

Gummies have been the most popular edible in Colorado since 2016 and are continuing to gain traction. CBD gummies are so popular that they were the third most-searched food term on Google in 2018. 

Sales for CBD gummies grew 925 percent in one year. This is THE edible to keep your eyes on in the future.

That’s because they have a nostalgic childhood factor not only for candies but also in the multi-vitamin world, and because they don’t require any measurement like a tincture. You know how much CBD is in each gummy and that makes it easier to get your dose, and quite frankly, it’s a lot more fun.

Advances in CBD gummy technology are expected to position it more like a gummy multi-vitamin, and less like candy in the future. Instead of purely “kiddy” shapes like the bears and worms which have been the mainstay of the industry, expect more adult-centric shapes like cubes to pop up in the coming years.4

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The “Buzz” About CBD Honey

Honey and CBD are the perfect natural combination. The honey in CBD honey is rich in antioxidants and contains an abundance of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals as well as natural sugars that boost immunity and have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.5

Honey may even help with allergies by exposing your body to trace amounts of pollen.6

Additionally, honey holds CBD oil in it very well and may even increase absorption rates of CBD by coating the receptors in the mouth and throat before being digested in the stomach.7

When combined with the amazing health benefits of CBD, it’s easy to see why CBD honey is such a popular combination whose popularity is on the rise – and isn’t going away anytime soon!

CBD Chocolates For Your Love…

CBD chocolate is another area of intense growth for the CBD industry, seeing a 530 percent increase during the first quarter of 2018. This is the “hot time” for the chocolate market because of Valentine’s Day.8

And it’s easy to see the appeal. With the amazing flavanols and natural calming components of chocolate combined with CBD, it’s an amazing way to say “I love you,” and care for your beloved’s health at the same time.

They also come in many shapes, sizes and flavors, making them easily one of the most delicious forms of CBD edible, even if they may not be suited for every-day use. 

The Beverages Of The Future May All Have CBD In Them

Last but definitely not least are CBD-infused beverages. Beverages are always a very changing landscape with lots of competition. Recently, the disruption in the market has come from soda alternatives like LaCroix and Bubly.

Healthy drinks like antioxidant Bai and KeVita Probiotic drinks are also very hot right now. CBD-infused beverages are going to be the next big thing.

With a unique portfolio of health benefits like reducing anxiety and helping with insomnia, CBD is a different and new idea for the beverages industry -- and is poised to join forces with sparkling water, coffee, tea, energy drinks, and even alcoholic beverages.

A Gigantic And Exciting Industry

Of course, this short article doesn’t cover EVERYTHING. There are plenty of new CBD edible products popping up almost daily for everything from chewing gum, to mints -- and even pizza!

However, these are the top 4 categories that are experiencing the most growth in the CBD edible market right now and are poised to take over the future.

Along with the growth, we are also seeing advances in technology. New extraction methods, different kinds, and qualities of CBD and new flavors are being added every day. 

If you’re interested in getting pure full-spectrum hemp CBD edibles which have been rigorously curated for the highest quality and taste-tested extensively, then check out our unique collection of edibles today! 

Previous article CBD 101: Pet Products


Becky Monroe - March 17, 2020

Really enjoying your information.Thanks

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